- Use furniture drawers to hold delicate items. Wrap them in bubble wrap or newspaper. Seventh Street Self Storage can supply you with packing and moving supplies including: cartons of various sizes, tape, wrapping paper, bubble wrap, plastic wrap.
- When packing toys or smaller objects, remember to fill boxes completely, stuffing open areas with plain newspaper to prevent collapsing when stacked.
- Clothing and personal goods should be packed in strong secure boxes (We can supply cardboard port-a-robes which are great for hanging clothes)For long term storage consider some naphthalene flakes or mothballs.
- Be careful not to store anything combustible (such as paint and chemicals) or perishable (such as food that is not permanently sealed).
- Take the time to label your boxes.
- When storing lawn and garden equipment, drain any fluids prior to storage in order to avoid corrosive damage.
- Use trash cans to store shovels, hoes and rakes.
- When storing delicate heirlooms, use specially constructed boxes, such as wardrobe boxes, and utilize dehumidifiers to prevent mildew build up.
- Store furniture carefully on boards or pallets.
- Cover mattresses and store them flat on level surfaces.
- Store small items like pots and pans in large appliances, such as stoves or refrigerators.
- Clean and dry all your white goods thoroughly for storage. Leave the door slightly ajar and a deodorizer is a good idea.
- Carefully check that all batteries are removed from electrical goods to prevent leakage problems.
- Break down items (such as table legs) and store large furniture (like tabletops and sofas) on end to save space.
- Use protective covers and treat wood surfaces before storing.
- When storing business files, label all boxes and construct aisles so files are easily seen and accessible.